понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

city kansas molle toyota

Early voting started today here in Dallas.� The polls opened at 8:00 am and when I got to my polling place at 8:15 there was already a long line with a number of the elected officials who live in my neighborhood already in line ahead of me.� It took 20 mins before I got to the head of the line and was able to vote.� We had very cool new electronic machines and so the�ballot was easy to read and understand and to execute.�

I started to vote the straight Democratic ticket but instead decided to make the individual vote for Barack Obama for President.� After I did so, I just stood there for a moment and looked at the big red check mark beside his name.� I donapos;t know why - I guess I just wanted to fix that image in my mind for the future.� I believe this is the most important election I will ever vote in and that for better or worse, win or lose, this is a turning point in the history of our county.� It took a little longer to go through the ballot and make my individual choices for the various offices on the ballot, but it was worth it.�

In any case, I want to encourage everyone to get out and vote as early as you can.� All over North Texas we broke records for the first day of early voting by wide margins.� They expect even more people tomorrow and I believe it.��The line was�literally tripled by the time I�left the polling place at�8:50�am�with lots more people on their way in.���

Who ever you vote for, get out and vote early.� It is going to be a mad house if you wait to the last minute.

I love this country.� God Bless America.
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I am pathetic.� Itapos;s true.� Statement of fact.� After having spent the whole weekend with Aaron down in the Springs (and can I just say how wonderfully nice it was to wake up in the morning and know that my boy was sleeping just downstairs, rather than 20 miles away from me), I cried on the way home after I dropped him off at his place.� It was that hard for me to leave him.� I felt like�I ripped a chunk of my heart out and left it behind.� Ow.� And now, Iapos;m sitting at work, having seen him only like 15 hours ago, knowing that I am going to see him tonight, and I miss him.� A lot.� See?� Pathetic.� Only....thatapos;s got to be pretty significant, right?

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chris kovalchick penn state

Ok so update update on these past few days :))

So on friday, i was at emilys house and ended up leaving like at 1:30am.
but the time i was there was so awesome ^^

First we went up to her room and where just laying on her bed and talking and listening to My Chemical Romance on her laptop. Then she just leaned over and kissed me on the mouth. ^^ it was sooo cuute. :))

Then afterwards her aunt made us some food and we ate. Oh and Emily made cool aid. ^^ it was good.

and then we went back upstairs and where on myspace and youtube and stuff.
Then like later on that day she asked me if i was hungry and i told her "Emily...you should know better than anyone else, that I am ALWAYS hungry...so yes darling, i am" ^^ LOL.
so she told me she wanted to cook for me and we went downstairs while she cooked.

OMG she is such an amazing cook, seriously. WOW.
Then after that, her aunt asked us to clean her bathroom when she left, so when she left we cleaned her bathroom and left it spotless :)

Afterwards we went upstairs and laid on the bed with the light off, listening to Oasis and cuddling :))

we cuddled for about an hour or so then I leaned over and kissed her and we started making out for about 5 minutes. It was soo awesome.
I really really like Emily alot. I hope she does too.

anyways, then afterwards i went home and i called her to say good night.

Then Saturday, she left to California because her granny died so she wont be back until tomorrow :(( Tuesday.

anyways, yesss thats what happened, and i hope more comes out of it.


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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

buddha statues figure

Nothing is going right at all. What the hell. I just hope i have the strength to deal with everything from ziweiapos;s blog,

Lord, please grant me the serenity to accept the things you cannot change, the courage to change the things you can and the wisdom to know the difference. I feel this quote is rather meaningful as it reminds us that we are not all powerful and i guess it in a way keeps us grounded. Sure, we all try to change things for the better but once in a while, there just comes along something that we are powerless to do anything about and when that time comes, i pray that like in the quote, we are able to find the strength to accept that we are just not able to make a difference and therefore take it in your stride and live with it. Hard as it seems, i know that this can be done, no matter how tiring it is. This brings me to another quote,
Isaiah 40:31 "those who hope in the lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not go weary, they will walk and not be faint."�
this second quote might be familiar to all ac people who have heard it a million times in school, but yet, i feel that this verse speaks so much to us about trusting god with everything. I admit i havenapos;t been able to fully trust god all the time, but yet, i try my best to. It reminds us that when we do not have the strength to change things, we can always count on god to be there for us and comfort us, and perhaps even help us to change the things that we are unable to, if it is according to his plan for us. Whatever the case, it is comforting to know that we have him around always.�

in relation to my life, i guess this has been a pretty difficult time for me, with IB just 3 weeks away, and the many other things going on. I hope that i will be able to pull through and stay focussed on the things that are important, but at the same time not neglect the rest. And i guess this would be a good time to thank all those around me who have been there to listen to me during my emo moments all. Thanks to all of you. (:

i wish i knew what was going on in your life
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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

edvard much bio

And so does Cadi.� She was getting so good at apos;fetchapos; with a tennis ball, bringing it back 9 of 10 times at a sprint, and then all the leaves fell.� Now she just wants to nose it around and play with it in the leaves.� Of course, she wants you to be outside with her while she does it... Not that I�mind of course, itapos;s been gorgeous (excluding today, it rained, she hates the rain, wet grass brushes on her tummy).

Happy fall

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